Reading:-Psalm 1:3
“He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.”
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This verse has often been taken to say that Christians will be financially successful, but I’m not sure that is what it means. So here we have to take this verse in one hand and Jesus saying that we should pick up our cross and follow him in the other. So, what fruit are we to yield? The fruits of the Spirit, which we are given to us to use when we listen to God and we step out for Him. You can be a beggar on the street corner, doing the shopping or in prison, and you get those moments when God prompts you to do or say something to benefit someone else then God increases the power of the action in an amazing way. Like a tree, we drink deep from our roots in Jesus and amazing things happen as we are prompted by the Holy Spirit to act – and our actions bear fruit for God in amazing ways. And we might not ever know it!
Spiritual Exercise
Have you ever tried growing crystals? All you need is a very strong solution of salt in water – so saturated that the salt you stir into the water can no longer dissolve. Dangle a bit of thread into the solution and leave it on a windowsill for the water to evaporate. Crystals of salt will start to form – some of them much bigger than the ones you buy to grind up.
It takes one grain of salt to start the crystals growing, and see what you get!
It’s like this when God uses our small actions and grows something amazing.
Have a listen to this great songs as you think about today’s reflection
Take my life and let it be – Chris Tomlin
I walk by faith – Maranatha
Digging Deeper
Feeling motivated to start a journey of growing in Christ? Is it possible to do this and what does this all mean? Here is another resources about following Christ and growing in him:
5/5 (4)
St Andrews Church Cobham
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