Reading:- Ecclesiastes 3 : 1
There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens
Read More on Bible Gateway
Nature has four seasons and right now in the northern hemisphere summer is here. However, our lives are full of many different seasons. And all seasons contain experiences which are good and those which are bad. Success alongside failure; health alongside sickness; companionship alongside loneliness; doubt alongside faith. The writer of Ecclesiastes recognises this and tells us to accept that that is how life is. However, we know from the Gospels that we should also accept that as we start each new season, in fact each new day, having confessed our failures of the past and received Jesus’s complete forgiveness, so we can go forward in eager anticipation strengthened by the Holy Spirit to live each new season to the full. Let us also remember that as we travel on the journey of life we never know what is around the next corner, but Jesus does! Trust him to enable you to deal with every eventuality.
Spiritual Exercise
Today when you go for a walk, drive down a road, catch a bus, can I encourage you to notice the changing environment around you. It may be similar, but each view will actually be different. As you do this try to identify what thoughts pop into your head, or emotions you experience, with each passing “picture frame”. And then intentionally welcome Jesus into the scenario, accompanying you, travelling alongside you, and see what a difference that makes.
Have a listen to these great songs as you think about today’s reflection:
1. Lord of all hopefulness
2. Michael W Smith’s “Waymaker”
Digging Deeper
Feeling motivated to start a journey of growing in Christ? Is it possible to do this and what does this all mean? Here is another resources about following Christ and growing in him:
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St Andrews Church Cobham
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