

any people who grew up in a Christian family in the Church of England were baptised as a baby or a young child. Their parents and/or Godparents promised to do their best to bring the child up in the Christian faith. However the child was of course too young to make the decision to follow Christ for themselves.

Confirmation is for those baptised when they were very young to make the promises for them selves, to confirm their commitment to Christ.
This can be a very important step in our faith journeys, to public declare as an adult that we are a follower of Jesus.
Historically being confirmed is the step that allows one to take the bread and wine of Holy Communion though some churches offer this pre-confirmation, including for children, if certain criteria are met.

Usually candidates are expected to attend a short series of Confirmation Classes prior to their final decision to be confirmed.
Please speak to any member of the Clergy or ask at the Parish Office.
There is more about it, and what happens, on the Church of England Confirmation FAQs site.

Confirmation Classes