Baptisms * Confirmations * Weddings * Funerals


t is a joy to celebrate Life Events together with people at St Andrew’s.
Please get in touch to talk with us about whichever Life Event you are considering.

We welcome both children and adults into the family of God through Baptism, symbolising a choice to a new life in Christ.
People who are baptised as infants or early in life are invited to “confirm” that choice for themselves at any time from teenage throughout adulthood.

Weddings are offered for those resident in the parish or with a qualifying connection. We aim to make your day really special as you commit to each other before God and invite God into your future life together.

Although funerals are naturally sad occasions as say good bye to loved ones, we also celebrate the life of the person and the joys that they brought into people’s lives.

Please see the individual pages for more specific details.