Revd. Bryan Silletti
I am Bryan, married to Tori. We are both completing our training as Curates here at St Andrews for 3 years. We are sharing the work of ministry and looking after our children as we go. I am originally from the USA and Tori from Lincolnshire, however we have moved around a bit, spending time living in different countries, on a sailboat, and now again in Surrey ! Prior to training for ordination, I spent many years working for a large multinational company, giving me the opportunity to travel the world and be involved in working with the UK government on renewable energy development.
I am a lover of Jesus and have known his presence, guidance, love and rebuke throughout my walk with him, so far! My passions are about people knowing God and as a couple we love to encourage others and to see people flourish in their lives and be transformed by faith in Jesus. We don’t of course always get things right, but we do know we are all loved by our father God in heaven and that Jesus will always love and care for us, particularly when times are hard. As for hobbies, whilst juggling ministry, study, parenting children, and managing to keep the house a little bit tidy we are all out of time for hobbies! Although we do love sailing, growing vegetables, cooking or a good adventure!